Software Launch | Recruiter Platform

Say hello to the new relode recruiter platform 👋

This new experience was built for Relode Recruiters to have a streamlined platform for finding great jobs, referring candidates, and earning more on their terms all in one place.

During this article we'll explore some of the exciting new features, tools, and access now available to our full-time and part-time recruiters.

Relode lead database

relode lead database

Whether a recruiter needs a little extra help sourcing great candidates or wants to see which of their current leads have been matched to new jobs, the Relode lead database can help.

Providing access to thousands of potential job candidates, recruiters can easily make a connection, refer leads to any job, and track them throughout the hiring process once connected. As traditional sourcing tools become increasingly more expensive and often saturated, the Relode lead database can provides sourcing support and canddiate matching AI to save recruiters time.

Improved recruiter dashboard

improved recruiter dashboard

The recruiter dashboard was designed with simplicity and transparency in mind. The most important information a recruiter needs to know each time they access Relode is presented immediately for them to take action; leads with new job recommendations, favorite jobs, new jobs, monthly earnings, and future earnings they can expect. Find leads with job recommendations, new jobs, candidate updates, and more to help you make the most of your recruiting time.

Job access & recommendations

added job details and recommendations

Time for technology do some of the heavy lifting with automatic job matching and recommendations for all candidates and leads a remote recruiter may connect with.

Each time a candidate or lead profile is created, recruiters have the option to add important details (tags) that increase the ability for them to be matched to the right positions. These tags include years or experience, job title, licenses, certifications, skills, and others. The more details a recruiter provides, the more accurate our job matching AI becomes to help take the leg work out of scrolling to find qualifying jobs for a candidate.

The new platform also gives users greater access to key job details like salary, hiring company background, and job coverage status' to indicate whether a job is in need of more candidates or not.

Maximized earnings and transparency

maximized earnings and transparency

Relode Recruiters not only get paid several times throughout the hiring process, but their new platform also provides transparency into how much they earn and when they will be paid for every reward.

From the home dashboard, recruiters can quickly check the earnings that made throughout the current month, and future earnings that are on their way. Clicking into either of these tiles, or going to the "earnings" tab directly, shows a detailed breakdown of every earning type, amount, pay date, and candidate it's connected to. This full transparency makes all earnings with Relode predictable and easily acessible whether they happened a year ago, or will be paid months from now.

We’re on a mission to make hiring better for everyone. So apply to become a remote recruiter and find the flexibility of working on your terms OR sign up to hire candidates faster for your company now and see how Relode’s recruiting software brings innovation and insight to your hiring process.