Monthly Jobs Report: June 2024

The June 2024 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report reveals a mixed but generally positive picture of the job market. Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 206,000, and the unemployment rate increased slightly to 4.1%. Key industries contributing to this growth included healthcare, social assistance, and government, while the temporary help services sector saw significant declines.

Here are the high-level takeaways you need to know as we review the BLS June jobs report...

1. Unemployment Rate & Labor Participation

The unemployment rate increased slightly to 4.1%, up from 4.0% in May. This is a modest rise from the 3.6% rate seen a year earlier, with the total number of unemployed persons standing at 6.8 million, up from 6.0 million the previous year. The labor force participation rate rose slightly to 62.6%, with the prime-age (25-54) labor force participation rate increasing to 83.7%, its highest level since April 2001. This indicates a strengthening in the labor market, as more people are either working or actively seeking employment.

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2. Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector Highlights

The healthcare and social assistance sector emerged as a standout performer in June, adding a combined 82,400 jobs. Within this category, healthcare alone contributed 49,000 jobs. This sector's expansion, though slightly below its 12-month average of 64,000 monthly gains, underscores its critical role in the U.S. economy. Notably, ambulatory healthcare services and hospitals each contributed 22,000 jobs to the sector's growth.

3. Employment Gains in Other Industries

  • Government: Added 70,000 jobs, with significant increases in local government (excluding education) and state government.
  • Professional Services (excluding temporary help): Added 31,900 jobs, indicating solid growth in this area.
  • Construction: Added 27,000 jobs, exceeding its average monthly gain over the past year.

4. Declines in Temporary Help Services and Other Sectors

Employment in temporary help services declined sharply by 48,900 jobs in June. The temporary agency rate fell to 1.68%, down from 1.71% in May. This sector has been facing ongoing challenges, with aggregate hours worked in manufacturing and transportation showing mixed trends. Retail trade employment also fell by 8,500 jobs, while the manufacturing sector lost 8,000 jobs.

SIA’s Perspective on Temporary Help Services

Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) noted that the U.S. economy added more jobs than expected in June, surpassing the median forecast of 190,000. Despite the positive overall job growth, the temporary help services sector continues to struggle, reflecting broader challenges within the staffing industry. SIA suggests that the decline in temp help employment may be revised in the next month’s Jobs Report to show a smaller decline, indicating potential for future stabilization.


June's jobs report highlights the healthcare industry's critical role in driving employment growth amidst a stable but slightly higher unemployment landscape. The small increase in labor force participation and steady wage growth contribute to a resilient yet evolving job market. While the temporary help services sector faces challenges, the overall outlook for the economy remains positive, with most economists projecting solid growth for 2024.

As we move forward, sectors like healthcare, government, and professional services will likely continue to be key areas of focus for job growth and economic stability.

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